Action Research Plan

Action research sounds a little like the last few years of my teaching career. When I started teaching elementary school five years ago I made some pretty big changes to my approach in the classroom. I used to worry when administrators and others would observe me in my classroom, and then it finally hit me that receiving the feedback from those observers was the best way to reflect and become a better teacher. As this course progressed, I found myself digging deep for the right path for my plan and where my passion for education was leading me. Since finding … Continue reading Action Research Plan

Call to Action

When I think about my journey so far in the DLL program; I feel like it is second nature for me to reflect and adjust my ideas for the benefit of my students. I would be lying if I said that I have always done it that way, but am very amazed at how I react differently now as opposed to the past. There is a lot more to be accomplished during my journey, but if it is any indication of what is coming; I am quite intrigued to see what else I can explore and create along the way. … Continue reading Call to Action

The NEW Professional Learning

During my five years in my district, I have found myself as a presenter numerous times for our district’s Edcamps and Professional Learning Days. As a presenter, I have attempted to provide the most valuable professional learning sessions as possible. After reading, Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability by Gulamhussein (2013), I find myself wondering if any of the teachers that came to my sessions actually implemented what they had learned? I did not provide any additional support during implementation; that is one of the keys to effective professional learning. I hope that … Continue reading The NEW Professional Learning

Organizational Change NOW?!

Why would I want to change what works? That is just one of the questions you might hear from teachers that do not believe that we need to change anything in the classroom. Most people avoid change because it is not easy and requires a lot of commitment. I have always been on the side that asks, “Is our current way of doing things the best we can do for our students?” During this course, I have come to the conclusion that there is so much more we can accomplish and change for our students. Change that will allow them … Continue reading Organizational Change NOW?!

Conversations that Matter

Dialogue is such a lost art in today’s world of technology, and yet is probably one of the most important skills needed to bring about change. My students have trouble with conversations on a daily basis, but so do I. Relegated to silence is one of my pastimes and now I see how flawed that strategy is to have productive, and crucial conversations. As I read the book Crucial Conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high, I become more and more aware of all of the opportunities that have been lost over the years to make a meaningful and … Continue reading Conversations that Matter

The 4DX Plan

Change in education may be the most difficult change to make successfully. The day to day grind of teachers tends to overwhelm all attempts at real, organizational change. My school has been starting the process of becoming a Leader in Me school based around the 7 habits of highly effective people since last summer. This monumental change will require all hands on deck, but we may just get a little help from the 4 disciplines of execution along the way. At the annual Leader in Me Symposium in Dallas this past week, I was lucky enough to experience some of … Continue reading The 4DX Plan

Influence This!

As I have reflected on my innovation plan repeatedly since its creation, I find myself trying to make the connection to influence and how that can help with implementation. I will be the first to admit that I am always a proponent for change in my classroom and beyond. This is definitely a bit larger in scope than any other previous changes that I have attempted though. In order to start this change process, I have to make sure to ‘notice the obvious’ as Harapnuik (2016) states. It is very common to look for the underlying issues, and forget to … Continue reading Influence This!

What’s Your ‘WHY’?

As we learned from Sinek (2009), not every organization knows ‘why’ they do what they do, and this is the reason why some succeed and others do not. In order to implement my Blended Learning innovation plan the proper way; I must remember my ‘why’. No matter what obstacles come up, I will always remember that my students are the biggest part of my ‘why’. I am attempting to contain my excitement after my principal agreed to support my innovation plan yesterday. The next step is to approach the district for final approval to pilot blended learning in my classroom … Continue reading What’s Your ‘WHY’?

2019…Let’s go!

Happy New Year to everyone! I really cannot believe that I am writing this blog post in 2019. Every school year seems to go by quicker and quicker, and this one has gone into hyperdrive since I started my DLL journey. I just finished my fourth class in the Digital Learning and Leading program at Lamar University and I would not have it any other way. I have enjoyed every minute of my stressful, yet amazing start to this eighteen-month journey. I began by learning the intricacies of the growth mindset, which has changed so much of what I do … Continue reading 2019…Let’s go!

Learning Environments…where to now?

Creating significant learning environments (CSLE) for my students is a very important aspect of how I want my classroom to progress toward the kind of learner-centered approach I strive for. Implementing a blended learning rotation model can assist in creating the learner-centered approach I am looking for, but I also must be aware of my previous mistakes of focusing on task completion. So where to now? After creating Fink’s (2003) 3-column table a couple weeks ago, I have begun to step back and see the big picture in the learning that I want my students to be a part of in my classroom. … Continue reading Learning Environments…where to now?